A Visual Guide to the Microbiology of Natural Rind Cheese
Ever wonder what is living in that undulating crust on your favorite blue cheese or clothbound Cheddar? Our new visual guide provides an overview of the microbial diversity of natural rind cheeses. Print it out. Hang it up. Impress your friends with your new cheese microbiology knowledge.
To view, simply click on the image below. To download a full-sized printable poster, right click on the image below and use “Save Image As….” in whatever browser you happen to use.
Fantastic resource! Thanks so much. Quick question: how does pasteurization affect ecological succession (if if does at all)? All the cheeses you’ve mentioned here seem to be made with raw milk.
Excellent question. Depending on what starter cultures are used, pasteurized milk cheeses would have a similar succession, with yeasts and perhaps Staph (if added as starter culture) colonizing early. Molds and Actinobacteria would appear after the yeasts.
I would like to receive information about the cheesemaking